Image taken by co-host Sara.

Image taken by co-host Sara.

You Better Believe It!

How does one start a Naruto Fancast in the year of our Lord 2018? I'm glad you asked. On a slow day at work, co-host Sara and Erin decided via a text conversation that they were going to use their weekly anime night to do some good in the world - by re-watching and critiquing episodes of the hit 2002 shounen anime Naruto. Together with their good friend Raz, these twenty-somethings decided to finally put their literary degrees to good use by critiquing and crying about these good good ninja kids.

Join Erin, Sara, and Raz every Monday as they talk about two episodes of Naruto and bring to light the burning questions we all had in 2004 - how does Naruto afford to live by himself at age 12 in this economy? Why isn't Shikamaru allowed to be the gay icon we know he should be? Why didn't Sakura get the love and character development she deserved? Why is the rest of the world sleeping on these literal magic powers? Learn the answers to these questions and more every Monday on You Better Believe It!